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Upcoming Pilgrimages to the Holy Land

Nuestra Galeria de Fotografías

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Voice of the Pilgrims

  • A wonderful balance of Living and ancient stones and a great mix of fellowship, worship, and time with ministry leaders. We learned where Christ walked, but we also learned better how Christ walked: in caring for the victims of injustice and loving our enemies.

    Carl H.
    Boulder, CO
  • I have traveled to the Holy Land three times. HCEF surpasses any group, any travel experience that I have ever known. Your selflessness and generosity can only come from a deep spiritual conviction, and Palestinian Christians are blessed through your efforts.

  • Hospitality is among the Palestinians' gifts! Meals at the HCEF Inn in Bethlehem were wonderful and certainly facilitated bonding for our group! Personnel were always helpful.

    Ruth M.
    Boulder, CO
  • It was the Christian Palestinians who made a lasting impression on me. Their strong faith in God; hope in the midst of what appears to be a hopeless situation; love for people of all faiths; gracious hospitality and kindness; and, resilience under extremely hideous conditions loudly proclaim the Gospel. They live the Gospel message every day. They are truly the ‘Living Stones’ of our faith!
